(2018.10.01) 各務秀明 「楽しい理科クラブ」と現代科学

(2018.10.01)硬組織疾患制御再建学講座 教授 各務秀明 


When I was asked to contribute to the graduate school teacher’ column, I was puzzled about what to write. Then, a story about “A fun science club" came across to my mind. That's it! Yon may feel that the topic is frivolous as a faculty column for graduate school aiming for cutting edge research. However, there is an even deeper reason. It can be said that the history of science has started as the birth of so-called human beings. Although it would be after Greek era that the name of philosophers and mathematicians such as Aristotle and Archimedes have been recognized, the ancestors who have become known as human beings probably developed various tools and observe nature to help their lives, which should be the beginning of primitive science. In the fields of natural science, the origin might be in Europe, especially in the UK, after 18th century. Charles Robert Darwin, who wrote "On the Origin of Species", was born in a wealthy family and conducted research only for his own interest for science. At that time, doing science was like a personal hobby, and many researchers did not even consider publishing it. Henry Cavendish was a wealthy aristocrat and known as a great scientist, too. However, he is also famous for his unpublished research notes, since they include important scientific discoveries that became known later such as Coulomb's Law and Ohm's Law.
The time passed, and the research has become a job. Scientific discovery is a personal honor and also an important mean to get a better job. Sometimes, an honor as a discoverer is contested and even a research can be a battle between countries. The scale of science has become greater and also extended to the smaller world of quantum. People who visit the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in the United States will be impressed with the enormous size of the Saturn V rocket that sent the Apollo spacecraft to the moon. Also, the accelerator made to explore the world of very small quantum is huge, and the whole circumference of the Large Hadron Collider built by CERN is 27 km. Thus, much of the science from the twentieth century to the twenty-first century began to require a huge budget and man power, and biology is no exception. Probably, discoveries about the universe and elementary particles have enriched people's knowledge and sometimes life may become convenient. However, as the scale of scientific research has become more massive and require a larger research team, science will go far away from ordinally people. In order to survive as a researcher, we must struggle to acquire research funds and human resources. Of course, those obtained from large-scale research are precious and it is a wonderful thing to do researches with high impact. However, there are some researchers who are skeptical about the way that modern science works.
"A fun science club is a club for amateurs for science. Everyone is a member of this science club who is fascinated in the secret hidden in nature. It is not necessarily an occupational scientist alone who has the key to discover the secret of nature ...... Indeed, the researches in certain scientific fields involves huge particle accelerators, radio telescopes, an electron microscope with ultra-high pressure and a computer are necessary. However, the human scientific efforts have been continued since the days of Mendel, which only required peas and a small amount of land to plant it. And yet today, there are fields of science that do not require other than careful observation, novel ideas, skills and perseverance. A fun science club is aimed for researches in such fields.” This was written by Mr. Masaki Muto who was a medical student of Niigata University back to 46 years ago, in 1974 and cited from “Shitaihoudai” book written by Professor Shigeru Kobayashi. Professor Shigeru Kobayashi, who was a faculty of Niigata University at that time and become a professor at Nagoya University later, was shocked by this sentence by the student and was practicing it in his own research and way of life. When I met Professor Kobayashi, I was still young and could not necessarily understand his way of thinking. Since then, 30 years have passed, and I now became the similar age as Professor Kobayashi was at that time.
There is no doubt that high-impact papers are the result of enormous effort, and there is nothing wrong with the competitive environment and demand for short-term outcomes. Although I am gradually kicked out from such competitive environment, I am still struggling to acquire research funds and spending my time on preparing non-significant papers to survive. Then, suddenly this "a fun science club” story comes into my mind. What is a truly good research? Even in such an era, can we do excellent research from outside the money acquisition competition? When I was a graduate student, I found old theses in the library and some of the theses were published as a book. Indeed, there was also an era in Japan when it was not unusual presenting one’s research results after careful verification over a long period of time, even more than 10 years.
"A fun science club" is like a daydream, which a scientist might see during modern busy life. Unfortunately, Professor Kobayashi was deceased when he was still a faculty member. I really wish to talk with him by all means, since now I could understand some of his thoughts. But Kobayashi-sensei, I wrote this column for you to convey your thoughts to the next generation!
Note) There was no way to approach Dr. Masaki Muto who wrote “a fun science club”, and I cited it without permission. If he may see this column, I hope he would arrow this citation, since it was used to convey Professor Kobayashi's heart.